【旅画報】浅草寺 – Sensoji Temple【Travel Photographs】


2021 Winter



Description for foreigners

Senso-ji Temple is a renowned cultural and spiritual icon nestled in the heart of Tokyo. As one of Tokyo’s most popular tourist attractions, this ancient Buddhist temple captivates visitors with its timeless charm and historical significance.

Stepping through the majestic Kaminarimon Gate, adorned with a vibrant red lantern, visitors embark on a journey back in time. The bustling Nakamise-dori, a lively shopping street leading to the temple, offers a sensory delight of traditional food stalls, local crafts, and authentic Japanese souvenirs. This lively street breathes life into traditional Japanese culture, providing a unique experience for visitors from all corners of the world.

As you approach the main hall, the five-story pagoda stands tall, exuding a sense of serenity and reverence. The main hall, dedicated to the Bodhisattva Kannon, invites visitors to immerse themselves in peaceful contemplation and prayer. Marvel at the intricate wooden carvings, delicate artwork, and the temple’s blissful atmosphere, transporting you to a world of tranquility.

The temple’s cultural offerings extend beyond its architectural grandeur. Experience the thrill of drawing an omikuji, a fortune-telling paper strip, to gain insight into your destiny. Capture the memories of your visit and collect temple seal stamps in an exquisite Goshuincho, a temple stamp book, representing your spiritual journey through Japan. Participate in traditional rituals, such as burning incense and offering prayers, reflecting the deep spiritual traditions that have endured for centuries.

Throughout the year, the temple hosts various enchanting events and festivals that showcase Japanese culture and heritage. Witness the breathtaking beauty of cherry blossoms in bloom during the hanami season, when the temple grounds transform into a picturesque wonderland. And don’t miss the vibrant Sanja Matsuri Festival in summer, where the streets come alive with energetic parades and traditional performances, creating an atmosphere of joy and celebration.

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of history and tradition at Senso-ji Temple. Whether you’re seeking spiritual enlightenment, cultural exploration, or simply a moment of tranquility amidst the bustling city, this iconic landmark promises an unforgettable experience.

Discover the allure of Senso-ji Temple, a beloved treasure at the heart of Tokyo. Let its timeless beauty and spiritual aura envelop you, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

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Access & Spots


  • 東武スカイツリーライン:浅草駅より徒歩5分
  • 東京メトロ銀座線:浅草駅より徒歩5分
  • つくばエクスプレス:浅草駅より徒歩5分
  • 都営地下鉄浅草線:浅草駅A4出口より徒歩5分

雷門の所在地 – Location of Kaminarimon Gate

浅草寺の仲見世商店街の所在地 – Location of Nakamise Shopping Street

伝法院通の所在地 – Location of Denboin Street

浅草寺の所在地 – Location of Sensoji Temple

浅草文化観光センターの所在地 – Location of Asakusa Cultural Center


雷門 – Kaminarimon Gate

仲見世商店街 – Nakamise Shopping Street


伝法院通 – Denboin Street

宝蔵門 – Hozomon Gate


浅草寺 – Sensoji Temple

